Company Registration No. 4194904 (England and Wales) | Charity Registration No. 1086050 (England and Wales) | NOTA, 34 Carlton Business Centre, Carlton, Notitngham NG4 3AA
2023 NOTA fellow applications invited
Why become a NOTA Fellow?
Being a Fellow in NOTA is an honorary designation that has been created by the NOTA Executive Board to recognise NOTA members who have demonstrated allegiance to their profession and a strong commitment to the ongoing work of the Organisation. A Fellow of NOTA goes “above and beyond” in their dedication and contribution to NOTA. Members who achieve Fellow status will be able to use this as mark of distinction and an enhancement to their professional credentials. Fellows are recognised by their colleagues in NOTA as a member of a select group. A member must be in good standing in order to retain their NOTA Fellow designation.
Fellow applications require review and approval by the NOTA Board. All newly appointed Fellows will be publicly recognised in the NOTA AGM, which is held every year at the NOTA Conference. Fellows receive a Fellow certificate that they can display with pride in their office, and they are entitled to use the designation ‘Fellow of NOTA’.
Submission Deadlines
Applications will be taken at any time and should be submitted to the NOTA General Manager, the deadline is end of March 2023 in order to be included in that year’s public recognition at the NOTA AGM.
There is no cost to apply to become a NOTA Fellow and NOTA membership fees for NOTA Fellows will be the same as for individual members of NOTA.Genera