e: notaoffice@nota.co.uk | e: conference@nota.co.uk

Research Grants

NOTA Research Grant Scheme 2023-24: Application Deadline 31st July, 2024

On behalf of the NOTA Board and NOTA Research Committee, we are pleased to announce the launch of the NOTA Research Grants Scheme for 2023-24.

Brief details of the Scheme can be found below. A focused thematic approach to applications is required; the Committee and NOTA Board have agreed that applications which broadly address one or both of the following themes will be considered.

  1. Evidence and criteria for the effectiveness of existing treatment interventions
  2. Prevention and innovative practice in the treatment of those with sexual abuse histories.

If members are uncertain if their proposed research or project aligns with one or other of the themes, they are encouraged to make enquiries via the notaoffice@nota.co.uk e-mail address; enquiries will be forwarded to the NOTA Research Committee.

The detailed application guidelines, and an updated application form can be found on the NOTA Resources webpages of the NOTA website. NOTA membership is a requirement for successful applicants, though applicants without current NOTA membership are encouraged to apply, on the condition that, should their application be successful, they will become a NOTA member. In line with current NOTA Strategic Themes, applications which demonstrate the acknowledgement and promotion of diversity will be particularly welcomed.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to review and adhere to the Guidelines carefully.

Applications for funding up to a maximum of £12,000 will be considered, and for up to £3,000 for student applicants. Should there be no student award, funding up to £15,000 will be considered. Applicants are invited to indicate in the relevant section of the application form if part-funding of the proposed project would be welcome.

The Committee and Board have agreed that a more focused impact statement, outlining how the research will benefit NOTA members or NOTA’s charitable objectives is a requirement; there is a section on the application form for this and reference to this requirement in the Guidelines.

The requirement for a named practitioner to be part of the application has been relaxed, but it remains a firm recommendation.

Applications should be submitted electronically to the notaoffice@not.co.uk e-mail address, and should be accompanied by CVs of applicants, and relevant support documents, such as ethical approvals, where relevant, by midnight on 31st July, 2024. Applicants should expect to receive confirmation of receipt of their application via email no later than 15th August 2024. If no such receipt is received, please contact the NOTA office at notaoffice@nota.co.uk.

Applications will be reviewed independently by members of the Research Committee and the Committee will determine outcomes through discussion during September / October 2024; all applicants (successful and otherwise) will be provided with feedback by the end of August, 2024.

Enquiries about the Scheme may be sent to the 
notaoffice@nota.co.uk address. Please put NOTA Research Grant in the subject field for e-mail enquiries, and for proposal submissions.

We look forward to receiving your applications in due course.

Best wishes 

Prof Mitch Waterman – Chair, NOTA Research Committee on behalf of the Committee and NOTA Board