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Research Team at UWE

NOTA members are invited to participate in a piece of research being undertaken by UWE The results of the research are planned to be presented at the NOTA Conference in September 2020.

From the research team at UWE

I am a University of The West of England (UWE) student working on a project in partnership with NOTA, Dr. Kieran McCartan and Dr. Tamara Turner-Moore . I invite you to read this information in regard to your potential involvement in this study. The aims of this study are to explore professionals’ (NOTA members) attitudes and ideas towards child sexual abuse prevention therefore you are being invited to take part in this research because I feel that your experiences can contribute much to our understanding and knowledge of child sexual abuse prevention. We believe that you can help us by telling us what you know both about sexual abuse and prevention and what may be going successfully and what might not. We want to learn what people who work with those being treated for sexual abuse have to say, we also want to know more about different strategies used by different sectors because this knowledge might help us to learn how to better control sexual abuse in the future.

The research consists of a mixed methods approach compromising of an initial questionnaire and then interviews for those who wish to take part, in order to gain a greater insight. Only the research team will have access to the survey data which will be collected through Qualtrics software, which is password protected and only accessible via UWE password protected computers. No data will be shared about you to anyone outside of the research team or be taken off UWE campus. The survey data is collected in an anonymous format with all participants holding a unique identified code for withdrawal purposes.

The only personal data collected for this project will be the email addresses of those who opted into the interviews at the second stage of the project. These will be kept separately from the data collected and they also will be given a unique identifier code for withdrawal purposes. There will be no names written in any of the publications, or any reports. If you have any questions or decide to withdraw from the study, please send an email to a member of the research team- Shaunnah2.curry@live.uwe.ac.ukKieran.mccartan@uwe.ac.uk /T.turner-moore@leedsbeckett.ac.uk 

Upon request of your withdrawal you will receive information about your own unique identified code and then your data will be destroyed immediately. Choosing to participate will not affect your job or job-related evaluations in any way. All participants have a right to withdraw from any stage of the research project and they do not need to give a reason for doing so. If you decide to withdraw, all details of your participation will be immediately destroyed and no data from you will be taken into consideration.

Please complete the online form 

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